Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Wrap-Up: November 9, 2011

A lot was covered in this morning's election post so this will be a shorter Wrap-Up.

Governor Scott Walker (R-WI)
Michigan's House Republicans may not be as shamelessly heartless as their Senate counterparts, but only time will tell.

Now that the anti-collective bargaining measure was overturned in Ohio, the effort to recall Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker seems to have gotten a boost. He had a similar measure pass in his state.

By the end of this month, Basic Rights Oregon will decide whether or not it attempt to put marriage equality on the ballot for 2012 or 2014.

A rugby player is claiming a back-flip accident made him gay. Unfortunately (and ironically), it wasn't David Pocock.

Grover Norquist
Secretary of State Hilary Clinton has appointed Ellen DeGeneres as the global HIV/AIDS envoy.

There seems to be a growing chorus of Republican voices who want out of Grover Norquist's anti-tax pledge.

The nation's youngest openly gay mayor was elected yesterday. Meanwhile, I actually met someone from that town this very morning. Small world.

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