Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Terminology: Choicer

Choicer: noun

1. A person who believes that being lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender is a choice.
2. A person who believes that sexual orientation and gender identification is a choice despite all credible evidence being to the contrary.

Now obviously this word is not really a word. But I had been trying to come up with a word to describe people who believe that this stuff comes down to choice despite all evidence of good repute pointing toward that not being the case. While we do not know specifically what cause these things, all research that has been done points to an as yet undetermined biological cause (whether it is genetics, some in-utero influences, etc.). Some people, most of whom are on the political right or are social conservatives (both groups have shown an antipathy toward scientific facts) have decided to ignore this. 

I have written elsewhere about why, from a practical angle, being LGBT would be a rather nonsensical were it a choice (which you can read HERE). I have also written about my own experience (which you can read HERE). The fact of the matter is that being gay is not a choice and the people who believe that it is are doing no favours to themselves by showing abject ignorance on the matter.

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